Fit•Well Prosthetic & Orthotic Center
Providing outstanding patient care is important to us. You, the patient, are the reason we are here. It is through meeting your needs that we are able to utilize our advanced skills. Our Patient-centered facilities are where each customers unique goals, desires and needs direct the work we do on their behalf.
Throughout our long history, Fit-Well has built a reputation in the community as a progressive provider of Prosthetics and Orthotics. We are committed to research and development and keeping up with the new technological advances in the industry. This allows us to continue to provide the highest quality products and services.
Fit-Well is sensitive to the escalating costs in the medical industry. Our standard policy is to provide the most functional and appropriate device for the patient’s well-being, in the most cost-effective manner, utilizing all available resources. Fit-Well is committed to providing a renewed quality of life for every patient.
So whether the patients desires are to compete athletically on a national level or just wants to go shopping at the local mall, we have the compassion, expertise and experience, to help those desires be achieved.
Our office staff, focuses on the non-clinical needs of patients. From coordinating office visits to getting assistance with reimbursement, you can expect individualized care. We want you to feel comfortable and cared for, listened to and understood.
Fit•Well’s Expert Staff Is Here For You
Scott E. Allen
Scott Allen, C.P. is an American Board Certified Prosthetist with 30 years experience in all levels of amputation; including hemipelvectomy, hip disartic, and interscapular thoracic. Specializing and dealing with difficult cases is what Scott enjoys. Scott has membership in the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists and the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics. He has lectured nationally, instructed and educated other practitioner and allied health professionals in prosthetics and orthotics. Scott holds three United States Patents related to prosthetic feet and is the process of patenting the P.A. P. Orthosis. When Scott is not working he enjoys water sports, camping, basketball, tinkering with his salt water aquarium, and playing with his nine children.
Chris Hunsaker
General Manager
Chris Hunsaker has been working at Fit-Well for over 21 years. He is the General Manager, and also handles accounts payable. Chris graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in accounting. He is married and has five beautiful children. Chris enjoys golfing, skiing, working in scouting, and playing with his kids.
Carolyn Hunsaker
Administrative Assistant
Carolyn Hunsaker has worked for FilWell since March 2008 helping in the front office with the patients and insurance billing. She earned her Associate Degree from LDS Business College as an Administrative Assistant. She enjoys spending time with her family and going on vacations with them. Some of her favorite hobbies are gardening, exercising, reading a good book, going to movies, and watching her kids in all of the different activities they are involved in.
Daniel Marler
Daniel Marler, CPO, is an American Board Certified Prosthetist and Orthotist. He joined the Fit-Well team in April 2015. Daniel received a master of science degree in prosthetics and orthotics from the Georgia Institute of Technology and is a recipient of the national Orthotic and Prosthetic Education and Research Foundation student award. Daniel has a talent working with kids. In his free time he enjoys reading, hiking, and spending time with his wife and family.
Kevin Longhurst
Kevin Longhurst, C.P.O. is an American Board Certified ProsthetisUorthotist with the lnternational Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISOP) category 1 recognition. Kevin obtained a degree in Prosthetics and Orthotics from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. He has been working at Fit-Wellfor 8 years. His hobbies include camping and fishing.
Richard Pool
Richard Pool, C.O. comes to Fit-Well with 33 years of experience in all aspects of manufacturing, patient care, insurance and managing. He has been with Fit-Wellfor over 12 years. He is noted throughout the intermountain region as one of the top ABC Certified, Orthotic practitioners. His years of experience and skills have enhanced and improved the quality of service that our patients receive. Fit-well is pleased to have Richard as part of our team. Richard is married and the father of five children, grandfather to 14, and great-grandfather to 2. He enjoys all kinds of motor sports, and he loves to get away and visit his cabin in Fairview.
Tim Bachman
Tim Bachman, C.P. is an American Board Certified Prosthetist with over 20 years experience specializing in pediatrics, upper extremity, sports, and difficult case prosthetics. Tim’s desires to serve the patients and provide them with the best possible care make him an excellent addition to the staff at Fit-Well. Tim holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management and has instructed and educated other practitioners and allied health professionals in prosthetics. Tim also serves on the ski patrol at Brighton. \Mren his is not helping patients, Tim likes to play tennis, golf, fish, and go camping.
Dave Jones
Customer Service Representative
Dave Jones has been handling public relations for Fit-Well for over 10 years. Dave is a certified EMT and is on the ski patrol. With experience as an EMT and in prosthetics, he is a volunteer for the Paralympics. Dave enjoys skiing and dancing in his spare time
Sean Christiansen?
Certified Fitter
Sean Christiansen is an Orthotic Fitter with 10 years of experience in the prosthetic and orthotic industry. He measures, casts, fits, and adjusts the infant cranial remolding helmets. Sean enjoys 4-wheeling, spending time outdoors, and rebuilding cars in his spare time.
Mark Stoddard?
Mark Stoddard has worked for Fit.Well sjnce 1988. Prior to coming to Fit-Well, Mark was building and remodeling in the construction industry. Mark has been able to use the skills of the fine craft he developed to aid in his skills of manufacturing the oustom devices for our patients. He is now the prosthetic lab coordinator, along with being the senior technician. Mark enjoys creating and building orthotic and prosthetic devices. Mark says that the great rewards come after seeing the end result of his work and seeing how it changes someone’s life, Mark’s hobbies include reading and woodworking and remodeling his home. He is very active in his comrnunity and church, FIe is the proud father of6 children and 15 grandchildren.
staff profile
Lacy Patton
Administrative Assistant
Lacey Patton has been working for Fit-Well for the past eight years. She works with insurance companies in getting authorizations for the cranial remolding helmets, as well as patient collections. Lacey has a license in cosmetology. She enjoys spending her free time with her husband, 2 daughters, and extended family.
Samantha Holt
staff profile
Courtney Ockney
staff profile